Knight Vision Creative

Created by Brendan at Knight Vision Creative

A 5E supplement to bring your character concept to life. Brand new summoning class, spells, feats, gear, convergent magic, and more...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fight Scene Illustration Render Is In!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 05:05:05 PM

Thank you all for taking the time to vote. It was so incredibly close!

We'd love to hear what you think of the final version and if there's anything you want to share with the very talented Noman who brought this masterpiece to life!

Fight Scene Illustration 2 Took the Top Spot!
Fight Scene Illustration 2 Took the Top Spot!

Artwork Final Votes Due ASAP. Play-Testing One Shot Sign Ups.
over 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 02:16:06 AM

We did not have a clear winner from the previous voting, so please let us know which illustration you'd like for us to complete!

Fight Scene Final Vote

Vote on which sketch should be fully rendered
Vote on which sketch should be fully rendered

There are still a few openings available for the one-shot play-tests. If you're interested in participating, please submit your interest/availability: Play-Testing One Shot Session Sign Ups We also have some awesome community members who will be hosting their own sessions and will pull from this list for invitations. Thank you very much to those we've already tested with! Keep the feedback coming!

Stretch Goal 1, Scene 2. Fight!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 02:56:48 AM

Hey Everyone!

We've been chugging along on multiple fronts and wanted to provide a quick overview, get your feedback on the Feature and Roadmap Board, and get your votes on which fight scene to move forward with.

Quick Overview

  • Play-testing material has started to go out. If you backed an early access tier, please fill out the survey mentioned in the previous update to join the fun and check your email for one-shot signups.
  • We've had the first of many one shot sessions as we attempt to break, clarify, and further polish the content. What a wild ride, can't wait to see what the next ones bring!
  • I've heard back from a few of you on running sessions of your own to test the material and will be responding shortly. Thanks for the additional testing support!

Feature and Roadmap Board

There was a ton of interest in a community driven content tool for staying in the loop on our development, proposing ideas, and voting on ideas. We pulled a few of the survey responses together and started compiling the results and would love to get your feedback. We'll be doing a test with this round of illustration votes to provide a public forum where you can leave feedback, vote for your favorites, and everyone can easily stay in the loop including our team. If people like it, we'll continue to pull the survey results out and compile them on the board and use it moving forward.

I've added the 4 fight scene options inspired by people's suggestions into the in progress swim lane on the roadmap:

Roadmap highlighting the 4 fight scene options

If you click on one of the ideas you can zoom in on the picture.

idea zoomed in

Upvote your favorites, downvote your least preferred, and write comments to let the artist know what you love, what you'd change, and ideas you have for the future!

Vote on your favorites!


As mentioned previously these are all in our feedback board. Here's an overview of the options!

Option 1 Fight Scene
Fight Scene Option 1
Fight Scene Option 2
Fight Scene Option 2
Fight Scene Option 3
Fight Scene Option 3
Fight Scene Option 4
Fight Scene Option 4

Please let us know how you felt about the board and whether we should put more effort into migrating over the existing feedback, continue to use that to keep everyone in the loop on progress, etc.

If you have any questions or ideas feel free to shoot me an email: [email protected]!

4 Additional Subclasses. Play-Testing. Evolutionist Illustration.
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 08:10:36 PM

Hey Everyone,

Brendan here with some more details on extra backer content, play-testing updates, and the evolutionist illustration! 

We had 4 backers join me for 1-1 design work with their Master Summoner and Game Designer pledges. We are finally ready to unveil the initial details about the additional 3 subclasses and magic item you'll all get as part of Creed's Codex: Arcane Secrets of the Summoners thanks to these awesome folks! We had also hit that final stretch goal and unlocked the base class summoner themed subclass which you all voted on. Warlock blew the other classes out of the water, so Warlock it is!

Chiiovanni's idea of a martial focused summoner has taken form as the Archon!

The archon area of study has diverged from their neighboring disciplines. Rather than looking for ways to augment their summons, they look for ways to use their summons to augment their martial prowess. Archons improve upon their physical training and continue to increase their lethality upon the battlefield through direct confrontation aided by their summoned abilities.

My personal favorite ability is their Summon Titan Fist which let's you summon forth an enormous fist that punches enemies with tremendous force.

Chris's creation strikes from the darkness as the Shadow Summoner!

Summoners who pursue the shadow area of study have found a kinship with their shadow that has enabled them to draw on power from the plane of shadows. Where others fear the darkness, they find solace in their knowledge of the impenetrable shadow that follows all creatures.

Shadow summoners are incredibly mobile with their connection to the plane of shadows and get stronger in darkness.

Jake unleashed the Horrifier upon the masses!

Fear is a route to power. Harnessing this powerful motivator and forcibly triggering perceived threats to manipulate and control others is where the horrifier shines. Summoners who have chosen to confront their own personal fears and achieve dominance over them often end up pursuing this area of study, being naturally drawn to what they understand.

The ultimate form of the Horrifier brings out the fear and deals damage directly to the psyche to any who witness the ultimate terror.

David's Dagger of Spell Stealing is thirsty for spellcaster blood!

The dagger may seem like just a magical dagger, but wait until you wield it against a spellcaster and turn their magic against them!

The Spirit patron brings enhanced summoning capabilities to the warlock!

Reaching out beyond the veil, you have communed with the spirit realm and found a patron of immense power. It has secrets to share that are found beyond the grasp of mortal men. The spirit’s needs and desires are unknown at present, but the power is immeasurable.

Beings of this type can include great ancestral spirits, primal spirits, or exceptionally strong-willed individuals who have fought death’s call.

Through their use of totems, summoning a portion of their patron's power directly, and access to additional summoning spells, the Spirit Warlock is ready for adventure.

Play-testing Survey

We'll be rolling out the play-testing material over the next few weeks, so if you pledged a tier that includes access to the play-testing, please fill out the following survey to let us know what content you're interested in testing. We'll also be sending out invitations to the play testing sessions run by the Knight Vision Creative team and looking for any volunteers who may be interested in running some sessions as well.

Playtesting Survey

Previous Surveys

If you didn't get a chance to fill out the previous surveys, we'd love to hear from you and what you're looking to see. If you suggest something awesome, and we can fit it in this book or add it as an add-on to BackerKit, we'll do it! If we can't squeeze it in this time around, that just means it will have to make it into one of our future projects!

Here are all the surveys we ran during the campaign if you didn't get a chance to fill one out yet:

Nate has been building out the Evolutionist illustration for the book:

Evolutionist Progression
Evolutionist Progression

Don't forgot to take the survey if you pledged for a play-test access tier!


Quick Update: Latest Version of Illustration 1
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 06:25:09 PM

Here's the latest version of the first stretch goal, part 1.  

Here's a survey if you have anything you'd like to share with the illustrator, any details you want to provide on the upcoming fight scene, and feedback on our future roadmap.

Previous Surveys

If you didn't get a chance to fill out the previous surveys, we'd love to hear from you and what you're looking to see. If you suggest something awesome, and we can fit it in this book or add it as an add-on to BackerKit, we'll do it! If we can't squeeze it in this time around, that just means it will have to make it into one of our future projects!

Here are all the surveys we ran during the campaign if you didn't get a chance to fill one out yet: